Top new year resolutions for financial health in 2023

2023 is almost here, you might want to make this the year where your financial health and knowledge improves


Here are a few things that you could do for your new year resolution

Stop paying for services you don't use

Have a subscription that charges periodically that you don't use? You might feel that it's just a few bucks a month, and you might use it one day but it can accumulate quite quickly. You might be subscribed to multiple streaming services that you use once a year but this might be the time to stop some of them and use that money somewhere else. This new year you could spare some time out and evaluate if you are paying for any such services.

Forecast your spending for the year

Forecasting your spending this year can help you visualize whether you will be able to achieve your targets or not. You cannot anticipate your emergency spending but will be able to do most of it. This will also give you new ideas on how to optimize your budget.

Increase your financial knowledge

Schools don't usually teach you about personal finance and this is why most of us realize things later in life. A well-informed individual is more likely to make good decisions. Read at least one book related to personal finance and you will feel the difference. Reading such books is also a good way to increase your vocabulary.

A person who won’t read has no advantage over one who can’t read.

Mark Twain

Create an additional income stream

I know, this is easier said than done, but having another income stream even if it is small is great because it also teaches you multiple things. You could start with something small like starting a youtube channel or something more serious like renting out additional space that you are not using. This alleviates some burden and also feels great when you get you get an additional pay cheque.

This is by no means an exhaustive list of things you could do, but it might give you some ideas to make 2023 a great year. If you are curious about our goal, then our goal is to regularly bring out investing content for you.

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